Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Joe Donnelly gave your Health Care Plan to Obama

Well, yes he did.

But what did he say he would do? We will get to that. But I know I searched for a good company to work for, with good benefits, and decent pay. A lot of people do that. And they also prepare for that job by getting a good education, investing in their future with all the "right moves". Oh, that has gotten tougher because of the high tuition prices. But with all that hard work, where have we ended up now?

Well again, Joe Donnelly's constituents know more that he does on virtually any subject. And this one is no different.

Take for instance this lady, asking in a town hall whether she can keep her health plan, change it, get a different one, etc. She instructs Joe Donnelly on the problems with Obamacare (ACA), but old Joe just goes on in unison with Obama declaring that the plan won't deny her the choices any freedom loving American should have. Listen to it all here:

And he agrees right in line with Obama (synchronized some say):

“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” the president told residents of the Garden State. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.  Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.” 

But last month, as the president acknowledged during a press conference, he doesn’t literally mean that you are guaranteed to be able to keep your health care plan, and your doctor, if and when health care reform passes.

 “When I say ‘If you have your plan and you like it,… or you have a doctor and you like your doctor, that you don't have to change plans,’” the president said after we asked him about this, “what I'm saying is the government is not going to make you change plans under health reform.”

So what is the reality? I know I have already been told that the plan I have had is going away, and I have to go with an Obama created and approved plan. Whatever you thought you had worked for and achieved....is gone.

And others confirm that:

Side Effects: Obama Administration Admits You Can’t Keep Your Health Plan

No, You Can't Keep Your Current Health Coverage

No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan
Insurers and doctors are already consolidating their businesses in the wake of ObamaCare's passage.

Keep Your Healthcare Plan? Probably Not!

 So you have been handed another scam, another broken promise, another plan to "redistribute wealth" by taking your freedom and rights to purchase what you have worked to achieve away from you. All gone.

And Joe Donnelly was right there giving his approval to the whole thing, misleading ( or himself being misled, it matters not which....) and then fully supporting Obama as all health care is permanently changed in soon to be permanently broken ways.

It certainly seems one could stand near Joe Donnelly, and randomly point into the crowd and be pointing at someone who knows more that Joe Donnelly about....well just about anything.

Indiana needs someone who has a much better handle on what Hoosiers are thinking, and like the lady above, just listen to the facts she brought forth. It is time to retire Joe Donnelly, just say NO to Joe, and hire Richard Mourdock in November.

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