Monday, September 10, 2012

My Way or the Highway

Because of several references to posts on this blog on twitter, some time will be spent on some topics recently found there.

And perhaps the most recent are the tweets on who in the Indiana Senate race is, and is not able to work with and compromise with the “other side” of the aisle.

For instance, here is a tweet by @mattcantor:

If we correctly understand the background behind this challenge we can then see how it could be true. The background in question is just what is the nature of the Democrats in Congress?

The nature of the Democrats in 2012 is this: These are NOT your grand-father's Democrats. And to a lesser extent, these are not your father's Democrats. And beyond that, these Democrats of 2012 are wildly different than you great-grandfather's Democrats.

A study of historical documents back as far as a hundred years is necessary to see the stark contrast with today. There are many books and documents that cover the differences between statism and liberty/individualism. I suggest one book as a sort of condensed volume of the many notable works in the past for reading, Mark Levin's Ameritopia. You can find it at book stores or online at Amazon and other sources.

But for this short blog post something a bit smaller to refer to would be nice. And over at Remnants Highway we find just the right document in “The Voice of America, the Constitution” (VOA for short) by George Wilder Cartwright. Not only that, but Cartwright is a two term California State Senator. You would be well advised to read the posts at Remnant's Highway, such as:
The alpha and the omega
which discuss Socialism vs Individualism.

What Cartwright has done with VOA is detail the encroachment of the American system of true capitalism and individualism as laid out by the founders by another system of Marx's Socialism. Cartwright details how all the variations of Socialism are the same at the core, but have slightly different methods or intensity of actions that intend to achieve the same goal. That of course is Communism, totalitarian Statist control of government and the people.

So they question in part is, how far have we come since Cartwright's book VOA written in 1925? Well, the Communist Party CPUSA approves of the items in the Democrat Party platform, so much so that it has sued for plagarism. Since 1925, and before, Democrats and Progressives (no difference now....) have introduced and passed in to effect bill after bill, law after law, regulatory agency after agency till our Republic is hardly comparable to the Constitutional Republic that the founders initiated.

And while Cartwright was certainly not a socialist/communist and was a Democrat, that was 1925. This is 2012, and the truth is that finding a Democrat that is NOT a Socialist in the Federal government may be impossible.

Another point that that Cartwright makes is that Socialism/Communism are the diametric opposite of Capitalism/Individualism. Also, Socialism always fails. It has not and can never succeed because it is based on faulty reasoning and principles.

So the real questions that should be asked on twitter (and Facebook and elsewhere) might be like:

Name one Democrat that compromise with is not compromise with Socialism?

Name one Democrat whose philosophy and votes do not tear down and kill the Constitution and the American way?

Since Hoosier values are American Constitutional values: Name one Democrat who has Hoosier values?

The claims by @mattcantor, @indems, and others try to show that Richard Mourdock does not want to work with Democrats to solve problems. The error in that reasoning is that Democrats, by using Socialist methods, are solving any problems at all. Plus again, Socialist methods and philosophy are not American (but are German Marxist...). So giving any ground to these Democrats is compromising the U.S. Constitution and freedom.

Why would any American want to do that? Sure, I can see compromising with a Democrat on what restaurant to dine out tonight, but not anything having to do with government since it probably undermines the Constitution in some way. Frankly, we need less government, not more. So no compromise sounds just fine. It is the compromises that have been made that caused the problems that we now need to solve.

And the question is, who really is on the side that has “my way or the highway” approach in practice?

If we examine the Obama administration, especially the first two years, we see the Democrats in complete control. The Republicans had no power at all to stop anything the Democrats wanted to do in their quest for Socialism, government control, and crony capitalism. Nothing exemplified that more that the ACA or as it is known, Obamacare. Not a single Republican voted for it, and every Democrat voted for it, including all the Democrats who decry those like Richard Mourdock that are against destroying the Constitution. These Democrats would have nothing to do with compromise unless it meant doing it “my way or the highway”. With them, you need to watch their hands, what they are doing, and not what they are saying.

The second two years of the Obama administration has proven to be little different. While the voting public did oust a number of Democrats to give the Republicans control of the House, that has not yet happened in the Senate. Harry Reid and his cohorts the Democrats, have stood in the way of every single bill proposed by the Republicans in the House. Every single one designed to help America is just shelved. With Harry Reid, it truly is “my way or the highway”.

And Rep. Joe Donnelly has supported Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Barrack Hussein Obama every step along the way, including the ramrodding of the ACA bill, Obamacare, without any compromise whatsoever including reading the bill before passing it.

It stands then to reason, that Joe Donnelly's also behind the statement “it's my way or the highway” of Harry Reid and the Democrats.

Watch what they are doing, not what they are saying. Donnelly does plenty of talking, and lots of following of his Socialist mentors that is contrary to what he is saying back home.

And when it comes to compromising with the U.S Constitution, it should be America's way or the highway. That is what Richard Mourdock is saying. Pay attention.

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