Saturday, September 1, 2012

Donnelly Denies Healthcare for Illegal Aliens, then Votes for it

Joe Donnelly just doesn't seem to get it. His constituents aren't fooled anymore. When a constituent complains of Obamacare using his tax money to fund Health care for illegal aliens, Joe Donnelly says it is not in there.

And the chorus from the group of constituents says he is wrong.

So who is right? Joe Donnelly, who voted for it? Or his constituents who he works for?
 Is Joe Donnelly lying? Is he waffling? OR is he just not as smart and informed as his constituents?

You decide.

Joe Wilson (“You Lie!”) Was Right: ObamaCare IS Funding Illegal Aliens

Obama DID Lie: Obamacare Now Paying for Illegal Immigrants

Are Illegal Immigrants Covered Under Obamacare?
How the Affordable Care Act Would Treat Undocumented Immigrants

Joe Donnelly, bad for Healthcare, bad for taxes, bad for Indiana, and bad for America.

Listen to Joe Donnely in the video below.

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