Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Donnelly's Abortion Windvane

Most of us have heard at least some of the discussion of "Women's Health Services" [i.e. Abortion etc] in Obamacare. So what does Joe Donnelly have for a position on the topic? As we will see, no one can be sure.

First we must note that Joe Donnelly is a Catholic and graduated from Notre Dame (a Catholic University). And of course, the Catholic Church adamantly opposes abortion, as do Christian denominations in general.

But what does Joe Donnelly think, say, and do so far as abortion goes?

Joe Donnelly says:
1. In keeping with my personal faith and family values, I have consistently opposed abortion and will continue to do so in Congress. I believe that being pro-life means promoting life at every stage, from conception until natural death. I will always vote according to my faith and my conscience on life issues.
Source: 2006 House campaign website, , Nov 7, 2006
and Joe Donnelly "sided" with some other Democrats on a deal to vote for Obamacare, as we know it, given there was to be an Executive order by President Obama:

Stupak, Dems reach abortion deal
By Jared Allen and Jeffrey Young - 03/21/10 03:33 PM ET
Democrats have reached a deal on an executive order on abortion that could hand them a victory on healthcare.
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) announced a deal at a press conference. He said the deal means Democrats will have the 216 votes they need to win a healthcare reform vote on the floor.
"Eight or nine" Democrats, including Stupak, will support the healthcare bill because of the deal, according to an anti-abortion rights Democrat.
Republicans already knew not to trust Obama, but Joe Donnelly apparently adores him and trusted implicitly.

And the supposed agreement was made, Donnelly lured right in by the "thinly veiled" lies, not without some financial assistance albeit:
Since announcing his retirement in April, Stupak has cut campaign checks for Ohio Rep. Steve Driehaus, Indiana Reps. Joe Donnelly and Baron Hill and Pennsylvania Reps. Chris Carney and Kathy Dahlkemper — all of whom joined Stupak in negotiating with leadership for tighter limits on federal support for abortion. Stupak also donated to West Virginia Rep. Alan Mollohan, another abortion opponent who lost reelection in a May Democratic primary.

That whole group of Democrats eventually voted for the health care reform bill, after President Barack Obama agreed to sign an executive order clarifying that no federal money would be used for abortion procedures under the law.
 Even better, in Kokomo, before a crowd of hundreds, including many Union members, Joe Donnnelly adamantly insisted that there will be NO FEDERAL FUNDING OF ABORTION even when informed it was in Obamacare. Play the video:

 But what REALLY HAPPENED? Joe Donnelly voted for Obamacare and there was NO Executive order. In fact, experts said an Executive order would not fix it anyway. So what was Joe Donnelly thinking? [or was he thinking?]

NRLC: Exec. Order Can't Fix Abortion Problems in HCR Bill

And how did all this turn out? Donnelly vote for Obamacare stands as it is. And it was apparent that it would have all along, and there would be NO Executive order:
Joe Donnelly, interestingly, apparently did care; he voted for the motion to recommit (which means that he voted for abortion funding being included in the bill before he voted against abortion funding being included in the bill).

National Right-to-Life said "a vote for the Senate-passed health bill (H.R. 3590) is a vote for the most expansively pro-abortion legislation ever to come before the House of Representatives." Brad Ellsworth, Joe Donnelly and Baron Hill were apparently fine with that. Donnelly may have had second thoughts, but to little avail.

As for Stupak's precious executive order? Pro-life leader Phyllis Schlafly destroys that notion: 
"It is naive for any elected official, especially one who describes himself as 'pro-life,' to expect that a promise to issue an Executive Order that reasserts the intentions of the Hyde Amendment will be fulfilled by the most pro-abortion president to ever sit in the White House. Perhaps Mr. Stupak and his fellow pro-life Democrats forget that President Obama's first Executive Order was the repeal of the Mexico City Policy to allow for international funding of abortion."

And now, as the DNC convention has had its start, Joe Donnelly has  yet another contradiction afoot. The DNC platform supports government paid abortion.
Democratic Platform Endorses Taxpayer-Funded Abortions. And the Democratic party doesn't want to make abortions "rare."
So what have we learned?
Joe Donnelly talks a good talk. He seems personable. But there is no follow through IF his conviction is in fact pro-life. He voted for Obamacare which funds abortion, he WAS TOLD IT FUNDED ABORTION IN THE KOKOMO MEETING, he ignored every reference by anyone that abortion funding would be in Obamacare, and yet he supported Obama all throughout. And STILL DOES. Not only that, but he supports Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid and is a Democrat who has a platform supporting Federal funding of abortion. And did Stupak's money soften the blow? Hmmm.

Joe Donnelly does NOT stand on his values as he states his values. In the end, he is a follower, more than a little naive, and not a leader. You just can't be sure how he will vote, regardless of what he says. Did he call out Obama for the failed promises? Did he leave the Democrat party? No, none of that. In practice,  he is NO MODERATE and the Blue Dog designation means nothing. Likewise for the other Stupak Democrats.

It is time to vote for a true leader, vote for Richard Mourdock.

And here is a baby, just to remind the reader what Obamacare is ending the life of. It is the face of America's future. Help us preserve both:

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