Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Donnelly Doublespeaks on Obamacare and Medicare

Ole Joe has been a Representative for nearly six years now, and as we shall see, no more trustworthy now than at the beginning. The Doublespeak goes on.

Take for instance this question from a large crowd at Kokomo, a heavily Union crowd asking stern questions of an errant Representative. One person asks how will Obamacare be paid for. Donnelly responds that it is a "precondition" that Obamacare be "deficit-neutral".

And yet, Obamacare has a huge deficit problem. Worse yet, as we are going broke with overspending, and at a time when the economy is flagging, jobs are hard to find and pay less and less, Obama care is killing business and already pushing up the deficit with projected costs much higher than we were first told. In fact, Joe Donnelly told us it would be deficit-neutral.

Then Joe the big spender and Medicare killer tells us that "the stuff that takes place needs to take place" and Medicare is a top priority.

And yet, DoubleSpeaker Joe Donnelly voted for Obamacare which takes 716 BILLION dollars OUT of Medicare. Even in a pro-Union crowd, he cannot speak consistent with his voting actions. Don't trust anything he says, because in the end he supports his mentors Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barrack Hussein Obama.  Doublespeak it is.

Joe Donnelly, bad for Health Care, Bad for Business, Bad for Indiana, Bad for America. Vote Joe Donnelly out, retire him in November.

Play the video below for his own words.

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