Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Donnelly Doublespeaks on Obamacare and Medicare

Ole Joe has been a Representative for nearly six years now, and as we shall see, no more trustworthy now than at the beginning. The Doublespeak goes on.

Take for instance this question from a large crowd at Kokomo, a heavily Union crowd asking stern questions of an errant Representative. One person asks how will Obamacare be paid for. Donnelly responds that it is a "precondition" that Obamacare be "deficit-neutral".

And yet, Obamacare has a huge deficit problem. Worse yet, as we are going broke with overspending, and at a time when the economy is flagging, jobs are hard to find and pay less and less, Obama care is killing business and already pushing up the deficit with projected costs much higher than we were first told. In fact, Joe Donnelly told us it would be deficit-neutral.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

2016 the Movie

I attended a late afternoon showing of the movie. I thought the movie was well laid out and planned so that it would cover the various points along the way. And it did develop the topic thoroughly ending and the conclusion of where we could be in 2016 if Obama were to be still in office.

An interesting take given in the movie is to find out what is inside the mind of Barrack Hussein Obama by exploring his entire life and the influences given by his parents, grandparents, mentors, and other influences. With these topics covered, one can easily see where Obama envisions American to be like when he gets done with it. And it is not pretty.